October 1, 2020



從小就覺得菱角是很奇怪的食物,每年中秋才會見到它,兩端像牛角一樣尖,外殼很硬,到底要怎麼吃的呢?其實菱角是水生植物菱的種仁,屬澱粉質豐富的根莖類蔬果,由於味道有點像栗子,外國人稱它為Water Caltrop。從中醫角度來看,菱角性涼,有健脾益氣、清暑解熱、除煩止渴的功效。菱角不宜生吃,因為容易寄生薑片蟲,一般會放在加了鹽的水中煮熟食用,菱角中間凸起的是菱角最柔軟的部位,可以用牙將中間的殼咬掉,用手指從菱角兩端將菱角肉往中間的洞口擠壓,就能把菱角肉擠出。中秋節吃燒烤的話,不妨吃點菱角來中和一下熱氣。

菱角 — 性涼,有健脾益氣、清暑解熱、除煩止渴的功效,適合口渴心煩、酒後煩渴、脾胃氣虛、慢性腹瀉便溏人士食用,亦有抗癌功效。惟菱角性涼,脾胃虛寒者勿食為妥。

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Learn about Horn Chestnut

I always found horn chestnut to be a little bizarre. Horn chestnut, which has a pair of sharp bull-like horns and a hard outer shell, seems to appear only during mid-autumn. How do we eat it?

Horn chestnut is a type of aquatic plant that falls under the genus of Trapa; a leguminous plant rich in starch. Since its taste is similar to chestnut, foreigners also called it water caltrop. From the perspective of Chinese Medicine, horn chestnut is cool in nature, can strengthen the spleen and improve the qi, clear summer heat, relieve anxiety, and has thirst-quenching properties.

Horn chestnut should not be eaten raw, as it may carry Fasciolopsis buski, a type of parasitic fluke. It is suitable for consumption once boiled in saltwater. The soft protruding part in the middle is the softest spot of the horn chestnut. We can tear it open with our teeth, and use our fingers to press in between to squeeze the flesh out. When having barbecue sessions, try eating some horn chestnut to clear off the barbecue heat.

Horn chestnut – cool in nature, can strengthen the spleen and improve the qi, clear summer heat, relieve anxiety, and has thirst-quenching properties. It is suitable for individuals who feel thirsty and frustrated, especially those who have had a few drinks; also good for people with qi deficiency in the spleen and stomach, and individuals with chronic diarrhea and loose stools problems. Horn chestnut also has anti-cancer properties. Since it is cool in nature, individuals with asthenic cold in the spleen and stomach should avoid eating.

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