May 20, 2018

【米水系列新成員 】CheckCheckCin紙包米水新登場!??

#男女老少咸宜 ???????


紙包米水為獨家比例調配的米水,採用無菌冷充填技術製作,絕無添加防腐劑及人工色素,無需冷藏,保留了新鮮食材的原汁原味!CheckCheckCin紙包米水率先於今日登陸健康精品超市Green Common,另外更有多款即沖米水系列供選擇,讓你簡易養好脾胃!

CheckCheckCin 紙包米水系列



CheckCheckCin Paper Pack Rice Water has Arrived!

Healthy living through rice water is very easy and it is important to get into the habit of having a daily cup of it. You can visit us at any CheckCheckCin shop to order a cup, bring home instant powder to make, or now you can purchase our paper pack to drink anywhere anytime!

Our paper pack rice water is carefully formulated, using cold aseptic fill technology to manufacture with no preservatives or artificial coloring, so no refrigeration is needed. The flavors of the original ingredients are kept in tact! CheckCheckCin paper pack rice water launched today at Green Common, and you can also choose from our rice water instant powder series to make it easy to strengthen and nourish your spleen and stomach!

CheckCheckCin Paper Pack Rice Water Series

Dawn Rice Water
Ingredients: water, red rice, white rice, rock sugar, coix seeds
Effects: Fuel up for the day ahead
Dusk Rice Water
Ingredients: water, red rice, white rice, black sesame, rock sugar, black beans
Effects: relieve fatigue, reduce depletion

Suggested retail price: $15/pack, $144/case (12 packs/case)

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