July 25, 2017
1. 自我要求高
2. 壓力大
3. 思慮過度或經常憂心
1. 精神抑鬱
2. 心神恍惚
3. 經常嘆氣
4. 多打嗝或放屁
5. 女士經期前或會乳房脹痛、男士或有睪丸脹痛
6. 時有胸脇脹痛
7. 大便不暢時有便秘、時大便稀爛
8. 不經意乾咳、自覺喉嚨中有東西卡住不出
Mr Impatient: People often say eating radish will disrupt qi, is that true?
CheckCheckCin: Firstly, do you know what is qi disruption? White radish can promote qi circulation. So if you have qi stagnation, then you would need to ‘disrupt qi’ so it may not be a bad thing. You would still have to base it on body constitution. Because white radish can circulate qi, if you are taking in tonic nourishing foods like ginseng and codonopsis root, then you should avoid white radish because it can decrease the healing effects of the herbs. However, only white radish can circulate qi, carrots are mild in nature and will not disrupt qi so be sure not to over generalize!