June 4, 2020


⭐️ 天氣炎熱易有忟憎
⭐️ 是時候調養心神





1. 蓮藕洗淨去皮切約0.5cm薄片印乾水分備用,冬菇浸軟去蒂切細粒。
2. 將冬菇粒加入墨魚滑攪勻,加入麻油、鹽、糖及白胡椒粉調味。
3. 蓮藕片撲上少量生粉,加上準備好的墨魚滑,再放上另一片蓮藕,輕輕壓實,再於蓮藕餅外撲上一層薄薄的生粉。
4. 煎鍋加熱後加入少量油,以中大火放入蓮藕餅煎香,調小火蓋上鍋蓋焗5分鐘,至墨魚肉熟透及蓮藕餅呈金黃即成。

Healthy living during Grain in Ear Solar Term: 
“Strengthen the spleen, nourish qi and calm the mind.”

Lotus root: Clears heat and quenches thirst, nourishes the stomach and yin.
Shiitake mushroom: Nourishes qi and blood, aids fat-burn and digestion.

Ingredients: 1 segment of lotus root, 200g cuttlefish paste, 5 dried Shiitake mushroom, cornstarch, 1 teaspoon of sesame oil, 1/2 teaspoon of salt, 1/2 teaspoon of sugar and white pepper powder

1. Rinse and peel the lotus root, slice into 0.5cm thick. Rinse and soak the dried Shiitake mushrooms into water, remove the stalks and dice.
2. Put the Shiitake mushroom dices into the cuttlefish paste, mix well and season with sesame oil, salt, sugar and white pepper powder.
3. Bread the lotus root slices with cornstarch, stuff with cuttlefish paste, cover with another slice of lotus root slice into sandwiches. Bread the lotus root sandwiches with a thin layer of cornstarch.
4. Heat up pan and add in oil, pan fry the lotus root sandwiches on medium heat, cover and cook over low heat for 5 minutes till golden brown.

#24節氣 #濕熱 #我煩躁 #減肥

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