September 14, 2019



抽一分鐘來挑戰舔手肘!大家一齊來做:試將舌頭舔一舔手肘!快用一分鐘試試自己的極限去到哪個位置,也別忘了拍下身邊人逗趣的模樣呢!(笑)雖然是mission impossible,不過好處是可以順便拉伸一下平日僵硬的肩頸,星期天,大家放輕鬆一下!!

Relax for a minute- the lick your elbow challenge
Take the one minute lick your elbow challenge! Try to use your tongue and luck your elbow. Give yourself a minute and test your limit, be sure to take a picture of your silly friends while you are at it! This might be mission impossible, but it helps you stretch your neck and shoulders too. Take a minute and relax on this Sunday.

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