July 27, 2020




甜椒 — 性平,可增進食慾,助消化,尤其適合因夏天暑熱而胃口不佳人士。因為還是辣椒的一種,所以要注意陰虛火旺、體質偏熱者,有任何炎症、暗瘡、口瘡、任何類型的出血病都不宜進食。


1. 甜椒洗淨去蒂和籽清理成碗狀;番茄、洋蔥及雞胸肉切粒備用。
2. 燒熱油鑊,加入雞胸肉炒至半熟盛起,加入番茄、洋蔥、蒜蓉炒香,加入雞胸肉及白飯炒勻,加適量鹽調味。
3. 將炒飯釀入甜椒中,在表面鋪上巴馬臣芝士碎,放入已預熱焗爐至攝氏180度的焗爐中焗至表面金黃色即可。

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Bell pepper gives you fairer and healthier skin and increases appetite
Besides eating fruits in summer, do not forget about bell peppers that come in different vibrant colors such as red, yellow and green! They are not just visually attractive, but from the Chinese medicine perspective, they are neutral in nature, can improve one’s appetite and digestion, and is especially beneficial for individuals with appetite loss during summer. Moreover, bell pepper is low in carbohydrates and high in Vitamin C, which can give you healthier and fairer skin. At the same time, it will also helpful in your weight loss endeavors.

Bell pepper – mild in nature, can improve one’s appetite and digestion, and is especially beneficial for individuals with appetite loss during summer. Since it is a type of chili pepper, we need to beware of the excess heat caused by the yin deficiency. Individuals with heat related body conditions with inflammation, acne, canker sore problems and any bleeding disorders are not encourage to consume bell peppers.

Baked bell pepper chicken rice
Ingredients: 3 bell peppers, 2 bowls of rice, 2 tomatoes, 1/4 onion, 2 chicken breasts, 1 teaspoon of garlic, salt and grated Parmesan cheese

1. Rinse the vegetables, remove bell pepper seeds and pulp, cut into bowl shape. Dice tomatoes, onion and chicken breast.
3. Heat the pan with oil, sear chicken breast till half cooked and set aside. Sautée tomato, onion and garlic till golden, add chicken and rice, add salt to taste.
4. Put fried rice into peppers, top with Parmesan cheese. Preheat oven to 180C, grill peppers till golden to serve.

#男 #女 #暗瘡 #口瘡 #減肥

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