July 23, 2018





荷葉 - 性平,清熱消暑,祛濕降脂,脾胃虛弱者不宜。
冬瓜 - 性寒,清熱利水,消腫解毒。若想加強祛濕功效,可連皮一起煮。惟注意脾胃虛寒,容易腹瀉者不宜。
苦瓜 - 性寒,清熱消暑,明目清心,惟脾胃虛寒,容易腹瀉者不宜食用。
老黃瓜 - 性涼,清熱消暑生津,惟脾胃虛寒者容易腹痛、泄瀉等都不宜服用。
節瓜 - 性平,健脾胃、袪濕,功效像一個平和版冬瓜,適合任何體質人士食用。
合掌瓜 - 性平,健脾開胃,清肺化痰,適合任何體質人士食用。

赤小豆 - 性平,健脾止瀉,利水消腫,適合各類型水腫人士,小便頻多者不宜。
扁豆 - 性平,健脾益氣、化濕消暑,適合任何體質人士服用。
扁豆衣 - 為白扁豆的乾燥種皮,性寒,健脾之力較扁豆弱,多取其化濕消暑作用,適合任何體質人士服用。
粟米鬚 - 性寒,祛濕消腫,清熱利尿。
薏米 - 性寒,清熱祛濕,健脾胃,消腫排膿。
綠豆 - 性寒,利水消腫,清熱解毒,脾胃虛寒者不宜食用。

Shopping list for summer soup ingredients
During summer, heat and dampness pathogens attack simultaneously, and tend to make people tired, or even lead to poor appetite and indigestion. It is important relieve summer heat and dispel dampness during this time. People often have different questions when it comes to ingredients but to make pot of nice soup it is important to understand the nature of ingredients and your own body constitution, then adjust base on preference. Sometime if you can’t find winter melon, you can also be flexible and use old cucumber!
Tip: consume soups that relive summer heat and dispel dampness 2-3 times per week

Summer relief ingredients:
Lotus leaf- mild in nature, can clear heat and relieve summer heat, dispel dampness and lower blood lipids. Not suitable for those with asthenic spleen and stomach.
Winter melon- cold in nature, can clear heat and promote diuresis, relieve bloating and detox. To further strengthen the healing effects, cook with the skin. Not suitable for those with asthenic spleen and stomach or those prone to diarrhea.

Bitter melon- cold in nature, can clear heat and relieve summer heat, improve vision and clear heart. Not suitable for those with asthenic spleen and stomach or those prone to diarrhea.

Old cucumber- cool in nature, can clear heat, relieve summer heat, and promote fluid production. Not suitable for those with asthenic spleen and stomach and those prone with abdominal discomfort and loose stool.

Hairy Gourd- mild in nature, can strengthen the spleen and stomach, dispel dampness as if it were a mild natured winter melon. Suitable for all body constitution.
Chayote- mild in nature, can strengthen the spleen and stimulate appetite, clear the lungs and relieve phlegm. Suitable for all body constitutions.

Dispel dampness ingredients:
Rice beans- mild in nature, can strengthen the spleen and relieve diarrhea, promote fluid production and relieve bloating. Suitable for those with edema. Not suitable for those with frequent urination.

Hyacinth bean- mild in nature, can strengthen the spleen and replenish qi, dispel dampness and relieve summer eat. Suitable for all body constitutions.

Hyacinth bean coat- cold in nature, usually used for its healing effects of dispelling dampness and heat relief. Suitable for all body constitutions.

Corn silk- cold in nature, can dispel dampness and relieve bloating, clear heat and promote diuresis.
Coix seeds- cold in nature, can clear heat and dispel dampness, strengthen the spleen and stomach, and relieve bloating.

Mung beans- cold in nature, can promote diuresis and relieve bloating, clear heat and detox. Not suitable for those with asthenic spleen and stomach.

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