January 9, 2020



除了「一日一蘋果,醫生遠離我」這個說法,近年外國流行另一句:A tomato a day keeps the doctor away,有研究發現多吃番茄可以防癌及預防心臟病。從中醫角度來看,番茄主要有生津止渴、健胃消食功效,亦有保護血管、防治高血壓及護膚美白的作用。但要注意番茄性涼,身體偏寒、胃寒人士不宜多吃,而寒性痛經女士不宜在月經期間進食。

番茄 — 性涼,有生津止渴、健胃消食、涼血平肝功效,適合發熱口乾、食慾不振者食用,它亦有護膚美白的功效。惟注意番茄性涼,胃寒人士不宜食用,寒性痛經女士在月經期間勿吃,胃酸過多者不宜空腹食用。

Is tomato better cooked or raw?
“An apple a day keeps the doctor away” is a popular phrase. Recently there is a new one that says “A tomato a day keeps the doctor away”. Studies have found that eating more tomatoes can prevent cancer and heart disease. From the Chinese medicine perspective, tomatoes mainly have the effect of promoting fluid promotion, quenching thirst, strengthening the stomach and aiding digestion. It can also protect blood vessels, prevent hypertension, nourish and whiten skin. But note that tomato is cool in nature. Those with cold body condition or cold stomach should not have too much. Women with cold related menstrual pain should not eat tomato during menstruation.
Tomato is a kind of vegetable and fruit. It can be eaten raw or cooked. Which one is better? Eating tomatoes raw helps to absorb more vitamin C, and cooked ones will provide more lycopene as the lycopene in tomato needs to be boiled at high temperature to be released once the cell wall is destroyed. The redder tomatoes have more lycopene. Lycopene has antioxidant components and can prevent cardiovascular diseases, so remember to choose a red tomato.

Tomato – cool in nature, has the effects of promoting fluid promotion, quenching thirst, strengthening the stomach, aiding digestion, cooling blood and calming the liver. Suitable for fever, dry mouth, those with poor appetite. It can nourish and whiten skin. But it is cool in nature making it not suitable for those with cold stomach. Women with cold type menstrual pain should not eat tomato during menstruation. Those with gastric hyperacidity should not consume it with an empty stomach.

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