February 6, 2018



女士們每個月都要面對月經的煩惱,月經異常除了痛經,或許也會伴隨煩躁心情、爆瘡爆發、肌膚黯淡無光、頭痛頭暈作悶、身體發脹、小腹隱隱作痛甚至十級痛等… 這種女人之苦,男人都不會懂,只會怪女士們每個月都會例行發瘋。其實身體不適,情緒又怎會好?所有事情都不會順眼,小事自然無限化大,觸碰到底線,爆發脾氣!


推介茶療: 玫瑰花3-5枚、茉莉花4朵。泡熱水5分鐘。

特點: 經常飲食生冷、面色及唇色偏暗、月經期間時有血塊
推介茶療: 桃仁9克、川芎6克、赤芍9克、玫瑰花3-4朵。泡熱水15分鐘



Ladies have to face the monthly troubles of menstruation, aside from pain, you may also have irritability, acne, dull complexion, headaches, dizziness, nausea, bloatedness, mild to wild pains. Men won’t ever understand the suffering, but always comment that the ladies in their lives go nuts once a month. The reality is if you are not feeling well, how can you be in a good mood? Everything seems off and small matters come huge very quickly and you just lose your temper!
To relieve menstrual pain, you have to understand which type it is to apply the proper treatment. The common types are pressure-related, blood-stasis, or asthenic cold.

Who says you just have to tolerate menstrual pain?

Pressure-related menstrual discomfort
Characteristics: busy, frequent sighing, irritable
Recommended tea remedy: 3-5 roses, 4 Jasmine flower. Steep in hot water for 5 minutes.

Blood-stasis related menstrual discomfort
Characteristics: frequently eat cold/raw foods, pale complexion and lip color, menstrual blood has blood clots
Recommended tea remedy: 9g peach kernel, 6g Ligustici Chuanxiong, 9g red peony root, 3-4 roses. Steep in hot water for 15 minutes.

Asthenic cold related menstrual discomfort
Characteristics: aversion to cold or cold limbs, pain will reduce with warm abdominal compression
Recommended tea remedy: ½ teaspoon cinnamon, 6g ginseng, 2 slices of ginger. Steep in hot water for 10 minutes.

Other tips:
✓Keep your legs and abdomen warm
✓Keep a happy mood
✗Avoid cold/raw foods a week prior to menstruation

#女 #我煩躁 #氣滯 #血瘀 #陽虛 #痛經 #經期

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