April 19, 2019




外套 — 身處冷氣長期開放的辦公室,必備外套甚至小暖被,以免風邪寒邪入侵。

綠色植物 — 長時間對著電腦屏幕,間中望望綠色植物放鬆一下。

暖壺 — 用來沖健脾米水或疏肝花茶必備。

摺疊煮食鍋 — 外食多吃無益,用來自煮健康午餐。

腰/背墊 — 令自己坐得舒適,減低腰背痛機會,工作效率倍增。

平底鞋及運動鞋 — 回到公司脫下高跟鞋,換上舒適的平底鞋;放工就換上運動鞋跑步去。

健康小吃 — 隨時補給水果及乾果,補充能量。


Healthy living set up in the office
You spent a good majority of your time in the office working, so it is important to figure out how to take care of your body during that time. Here are 7 essential things to have at work.

Jacket- You are always exposed to air-conditioning, keep a jacket or small quit to avoid cold or wind pathogen attack on your body.

Green plants- Take a break from staring at the monitor and relax yourself by looking at some greenery instead.

Thermos- Use it to make rice water to strengthen the spleen or floral tea to relieve stress.

Fried rice water powder- Be ready to cope with sudden weather changes or getting rained on to keep your body warm and dispel cold.

Foldable cooking pot- Eating out can be unhealthy, make yourself a healthy lunch at work.

Waist/back Pad- Make yourself comfortable and reduce your chances of waist/back pain to increase your work efficiency.

Flats and sneakers- Take off your high heels and put on comfortable flat shoes in the office. Put on sneakers to run after work.

Healthy snacks- Replenish energy with fruits and dried fruits at any time.

Small heater- Keep your feet warm under the desk.

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