February 13, 2019



山楂 — 味道酸甘,具開胃消食、活血化瘀、降血脂功效,消滯效用最強,但並非人人皆宜,因為古人云:「山楂,多食耗氣」所以氣虛者不宜服用;山楂味酸,有胃酸倒流或容易胃部不適者亦不宜多食、不宜空腹食;而由於有活血化瘀功效,孕婦不宜食用;山楂含糖量高,糖尿病人亦不宜。

穀芽、麥芽 — 具健脾開胃、和中消食功效,針對吃過多澱粉質而引致的食滯尤其有效,例如新年多吃了蘿蔔糕、芋頭糕,可以飲用穀芽麥芽茶消滯。要注意麥芽有回奶作用,哺乳者不宜。

木瓜、菠蘿 — 木瓜含有木瓜酵素,而菠蘿含有菠蘿朊酶,均能分解蛋白質,尤其適合幫助消化肉食,亦屬平性水果,多吃無妨。因此BBQ時燒菠蘿不但美味可口,更有助消減肉食的滯膩感。然而要注意木瓜有收縮子宮的功效,孕婦不宜食用;菠蘿含糖量高,糖尿病人不宜食用。

洛神花 — 性寒,味甘酸,具有清熱解毒及消滯的功效,但由於味道偏酸,不宜空腹飲用。而由於性寒,脾胃虛寒者及孕婦不宜飲用。

Choosing ingredients to aid digestion

After the new year holiday, you may experience abdominal bloating, belching, vomiting, acid reflux from all the over eating. Friends and family may start to suggest recommendation to aid digestion, some would push for Chinese hawthorn, another maybe roselle tea, and another papaya and pineapple. All of the above ingredients all have healing effects to relieve indigestion, but may not be suitable for everyone.
Chinese hawthorn- sour in flavour, can stimulate appetite and aid digestion, activate blood to relieve stasis, lower blood lipids. It has strong effects to relieve indigestion but may not be suitable for everyone. It is not suitable for those with qi deficiency. Chinese hawthorn is sour so it is not suitable for those with acid reflux or prone to abdominal discomfort. It should not be consumed with empty stomach. Due to its ability to activate blood and relieve stasis, it is also not suitable for pregnant ladies. Chinese hawthorn is high in sugar and those with diabetes should avoid.
Rice sprout, malt- can strengthen the spleen and stimulate appetite, relieve indigestion. It is especially effective for those who ate too much carbohydrates such as new year treats like radish cake, taro cake. You can have a cup of malt and rice sprout tea. Note that malt can decrease breastmilk supply, so those breastfeeding should avoid.
Papaya, pineapple- papaya enzyme and pineapple protease can both help to break down proteins so it is suitable for those who need help with meat digestion. They are both mild natured fruits so you can have more. Having grilled pineapples during a barbeque can also aid digestion of meat. Note that papaya can contract uterus so it is not suitable for pregnant women. Pineapple is high in sugar and those with diabetes should avoid.
Roselle- cold in nature, sour in flavour, can clear heat and detoxify as well as aid digestion. As it is quite sour, it should not be consumed with empty stomach. It is cold in nature so those with asthenic cold spleen and stomach and those who are pregnant should avoid.

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