January 29, 2018
記得人生第一天上班時雙眼多有神嗎?歲月不饒人,加上每天對着電腦及電話屏幕、生活壓力等令人睡眠質素欠佳,長期透支下雙眼疲態盡現。雙眼為靈魂之窗,很希望能放下所有,踏上放眼世界,放鬆身、心、靈之旅。裸辭就是為了洗滌心靈! 《黃帝內經》有謂:「肝受血而能視。」意即眼睛得到氣血滋養,雙目就會炯炯有神。化妝僅可以略略遮掩表面疲態,眼神則完全無遮無掩。不是人人有條件毅然裸辭,以下有三招助你還原眼仔碌碌!
Kesalan Patharan HK日式美睫造型服務,1-2小時就能令雙眼看起來更圓更大,即使不化妝素顏都亮麗有神。
#女 #眼仔碌碌 #我狀態ok
Remember how sharp your eyes looked at the first day of work? As time goes by coupled with extended screen time and daily pressures, your sleep quality may decrease and overtime, your eyes look tired too. Your eyes are the window to your soul, you may wish to just let go of everything and go on a journey to just relax our body, mind and soul. When your eyes has nourishment from qi and blood, they will look sharp again. Make up can only cover up surface level fatigue, but the lack of would be hard to hide. Not everyone can just take off on a vacation so here are three steps to help your eyes pop again!
Three steps to make your eyes pop again
First: massage your eyes acupoint
When your eyes are tired, use your index or middle finger to massage your Bright Eyes acupoint in circular motion.
Second: have a cup of ‘Awaken’ tea
Relieves dry and red eyes due to long term screen exposure. Ingredients: 9g pale butterfly-bush flower, 3g chrysanthemum, 1g mint. Steep in hot water for 10 minutes.
Third: eyelash extension
Kesalan Patharan HK Japanese eyelash design services. It takes just 1-2 hours to make your eyes look rounder and larger so your eyes will be beautiful even without make up.