September 17, 2018
胡椒 — 性熱味辛,除胃寒、消寒痰、化食積。
花椒 — 性熱味辛,芳香健胃、溫中散寒。
丁香 — 性熱味辛,溫胃散寒、開胃進食、暖腎強腰。
肉桂 — 性熱味辛,溫中散寒、健胃暖脾、通利血脈。
孜然 — 又名安息茴香,性熱味辛,理氣開胃、溫腎散寒。
八角 — 性熱味辛,散寒溫陽,理氣開胃。
惟注意刺激性調味料多為發物, 即是容易引起舊患復發、將新病加重的食物,有暗瘡、濕疹、皮膚病或容易過敏人士慎吃。除了注意食材的寒熱配搭,平日多進食米飯、小米、淮山、白扁豆及粗糧等強化脾胃功能。
Use spices to warm the stomach
Vegetarians can add in hot-natured ingredients, use proper cooking methods (avoid raw food such as salads) to balance the cold in some vegetables. You can add in ginger or various warm-natured spices too!
Pepper- hot in nature, can dispel cold in stomach, relieve cold phlegm, and relieve indigestion
Sichuan pepper- hot in nature, can strengthen the stomach, warm the core and dispel cold
Clove- hot in nature, can warm the stomach and dispel cold, stimulate appetite, warm the kidneys and strengthen the lower back
Cinnamon- hot in nature, can warm the core and dispel cold, strengthen the stomach and warm the spleen, improve blood circulation
Cumin- hot in nature, can regulate qi and stimulate appetite, warm the kidney and dispel cold
Star anise- hot in nature, can dispel cold and warm yang, regulate qi and stimulate appetite