October 7, 2017

又到寒露,即代表季節已到深秋,是節氣中第一個以「寒」命名的節氣,本來意思為露水也開始凝結成霜,於香港來說,當然不會結霜,但氣溫日漸轉涼而且天氣會越來越乾燥。秋天時分容易被「秋燥」影響, 導致流鼻血、乾咳口乾或便秘等燥熱症狀,所以寒露時節養生仍是以潤燥補肺為主如無花果、雪梨、杏仁、百合、沙參、玉竹、石斛等。

1. 慢慢添加衣物,逐漸讓身體適應溫度改變
2. 運動後要趕快換衣服,避免著涼
3. 不宜運動過度,流失太多水分
4. 不宜熬夜,加倍傷陰

Cold Dew Solar Term
– Strengthen the spleen and stomach
– Nourish yin and prevent dryness
– Moisten the lungs and promote fluid promotion

We’re now in the cold dew solar term which means we are deep into fall and it’s the first solar term with the word ‘cold in it’. It originally means dew water will start to turn to ice but this won’t happen in Hong Kong. The temperature will slowly cool down and humidity will decrease. During fall it’s easy to be effected by autumn dryness symptoms such as nose bleed, dry cough, dry mouth and constipation so try to remember to relieve drying and replenish the lungs. Suggested foods include figs, pears, almonds, glehnia root, radix ophiopogonis, dendrobium, black sesame, glutinous rice, rice water, honey, lily bulbs, and apples.

Things to pay attention to:
1. Slowly increase layers of clothing to allow your body to adjust to the temperature change
2. Change quickly after exercise to avoid getting sick
3. Don’t over exercise as you may lose too much fluids from sweating
4. Avoid late nights as it will further hurt your yin

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