May 12, 2018




1. 立即落床,雙腳踏地,讓血液流向腳板底,舒緩抽筋。
2. 拉緊:坐起來,伸直抽筋的下肢,軀幹前屈,用雙手扳住腳掌,緩慢、持續向軀幹牽拉,要保持膝關節伸直,直至抽搐緩解。
3. 按承筋穴:位置在小腳肚的隆起處,膝蓋後方橫紋往下3指橫寬處。當腳抽筋時可按壓這個穴位促進血液循環,舒緩疼痛。

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Emergency relief for leg cramps
Ever had leg or feet cramps in the middle of the night and you’re just miserable? Chinese medicine believes leg cramps are due to insufficient liver blood. The poor blood circulation coupled with the stillness of the body during sleep can lead to cramping. For those prone to cramping, try drinking more water regularly, avoid sleep near air vents or have the fan blow directly on your legs. You can also try sleeping on your side. Also try the below emergency relief methods to KO those cramps when they come in the middle of the night!

1. Get off the bed and plant both feet flat on the ground to allow blood flow to your legs to relieve cramping.
2. Stetch: sit up and strengthen your lower legs and pull your body forward and hold bottom.of your feet. Keep your knees straight and hold the position until cramping subsides.
3. Press on the Cheng Jin acupoint: located at the bulging point of your calves, 3 finger widths below the back of your knee caps. Press on this point during cramps to improve blood circulation and relieve pain.

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