October 7, 2018
1. 早睡早起,以斂陰養氣
2. 適量飲用蜂蜜水,每次小口小口地喝
3. 吃暖早餐如粥或腸粉,健脾益胃,養陰生津
4. 減少進食辛辣燥熱的食物,以免耗傷津液
5. 適合進行靜態運動如太極、氣功、瑜伽、慢跑等,有助收斂精、氣、神
6. 適量進食潤肺養陰的食材,如百合、玉竹、沙參、枸杞、石斛等
7. 適量進食潤燥養肺的水果,如梨子、杮子、甘蔗、無花果、枇杷等
Fight the fall dryness
As the fall dryness is upon us, you may find yourself coughing more with a dry throat, why do people cough more during fall? Chinese medicine theory states that lungs prefer to be moist and fall is a dry season so the dryness can hurt your lungs leading to coughs. Most people have dry coughs accompanied by sore and dry throat, little to no phlegm that is hard to cough out, phlegm may have bloodstained, dry nose and lips. Eating spicy things will lead to more dry coughs.
To avoid fall dryness related coughing, try to adjust your lifestyle and diet with these 7 tips.
1. Sleep and wake up earlier to preserve yin and nourish qi
2. Appropriately have honey water, try drinking sip by sip
3. Have warm breakfast such as congee or rice noodle rolls to strengthen the spleen and nourish the stomach, nourish yin and promote fluid production
4. Reduce consumption of spicy foods to reduce usage of body fluids
5. Do exercises that are more static such as taichi, yoga, slow jog to conserve energy, qi and spirit
6. Appropriately consume ingredients that moisten the lungs and nourish yin such as lily bulbs, polygonatum, radix adenophorae, wolfberries, and dendrobium
7. Appropriately consume ingredients that relieve dryness and moisten the lungs such as pears, persimmon, sugar cane, fig, loquat