May 26, 2020







鼻涕(偏寒) — 防風薑茶

鼻涕(偏熱)— 菊花白芷薄荷茶

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What does your nasal mucus tell about your body?
Nasal mucus is a secretion from the nostrils. Sometimes it is thin, other times it is yellow and thick. Some people think that they are recovering from a cold/flu when their mucus is yellow and thick. Chinese medicine believes that the nature of mucus can reflect the body condition and understand what kind of issues your body might be fighting. At the very least, you can see whether the body condition is cold or hot.

Cold-related issues:
Clear and white mucus with low volume, which is a symptom of wind pathogen and cold pathogen

Heat-related issues:
Thick, yellowish mucus with high volume, which is a symptom of wind pathogen and heat pathogen
Thick, yellowish mucus with a fishy smell, which means that the body is affected by dampness and heat
Thick, yellowish mucus with low volume and blood, which means that the body is affected by dryness and heat

When your runny nose is severe, you may try to find a way to stop the running as soon as possible. However, nasal mucus is just one of the symptoms you have, and it is the body’s self-defense mechanism. The body clears pathogen through secretion of mucus, and the treatment of runny nose needs to be based on your body condition and cause of the runny nose. Those with cold-wind mucus should dispel wind and cold. Those with heat-wind mucus should dispel wind and heat. Those with damp-heat mucus should clear heat and dispel dampness. Those with dry and heat mucus should clear heat and relieve dryness.

Mucus (cold-related) – Ginger tea with fangfeng
Effects: Promotes perspiration
Ingredients: 9g nepeta, 12g fangfeng, 4 slices ginger
Preparation: rinse all ingredients, combine all ingredients with 500ml water and cook for 15 minutes. Pour all contents into a thermos and tea can be re-brewed.

Mucus (heat-related) – Mint tea with chrysanthemum and Bai Zhi
Effects: dispels heat-wind and improves vision and dizziness
Ingredients: 6g chrysanthemum, 3g mint, 6g Bai Zhi
Preparation: rinse all ingredients, combine chrysanthemum and Bai Zhi with 500ml water and cook for 15 minutes. Add mint to cook for 5 more minutes. Pour all contents into a thermos and tea can be re-brewed.

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