March 15, 2021
– 舌淡紅,舌苔色白膩
– 女性白帶偏多
– 大便稀爛或如水狀
– 怕冷
– 手腳冰冷
✔CheckCheckCin 米水推介:炒米水
– 舌偏紅,舌苔偏黃膩
– 女性白帶偏多,色偏黃味重
– 大便偏軟、質黏、異常臭、肛門會有灼熱感
– 體味重
– 眼乾目赤
– 多面油,容易出暗瘡粉刺
✔CheckCheckCin 米水推介:朝米水
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Feel unmotivated? Combat spring fatigue with dampness dispelling tea
Spring has arrived, and the view around us has become more lively and poetic. Yet, some of us may seem to lack enthusiasm and tend to yawn regularly. Is something wrong? From Chinese Medicine perspective, dampness and humidity of the weather can affect our bodies.
There are two types of dampness – internal and external. External dampness is closely associated with the weather. For instance, Hong Kong’s humid weather, or when an individual stays in an air-conditioned environment, sits on grass, or gets wet in the rain. These are examples of how external dampness around us.
As for internal dampness, it is normally caused by unhealthy dietary habits such as eating and drinking raw, cold, and sweet food and beverages. Those who like to add gelatinous ingredients such as fish maw and snow fungus into their soup or dessert to nourish the body can also cause dampness to accumulate in the body.
Hence, in order to eliminate dampness from the body during spring, it is important to understand if we are experiencing damp cold or damp heat as the treatment for each condition is very different from each other!
Symptoms of damp cold
– light red tongue with white tongue coating
– ladies have increased vaginal discharge
– loose or watery stool
– aversion to cold
– cold limbs
Healing tea for damp cold: Fried rice water with lemongrass
Effects: Warms the stomach and dispels cold, strengthens the spleen and dispels dampness. Relieves damp cold symptoms such as aversion to cold, drowsiness, and likelihood to have diarrhea.
Ingredients: 1 lemongrass, 2 tablespoons fried rice
Preparation: Slightly pound the lemongrass with the back of a knife and cut into sections. Add 800ml hot water into a cup. Add all the ingredients and steep for 5 minutes. The tea can be poured into thermos and re-browed until flavour weakens.
For best results, drink consecutively for 2-3 days. Two weeks for a treatment.
✔ CheckCheckCin Rice Water Recommendation: Fried Rice Water
Ingredients: Fried White Rice
Effects: Warms the stomach and dispels cold. Warms limbs.
Symptoms of damp heat
– Red tongue with yellowish tongue coating
– ladies have increased vaginal discharge that is yellowish with strong odor
– soft and sticky stool that is unusually smelly with feeling of heat in anus
– strong body odor
– red and dry eyes
– increased facial oil, prone to acne
Healing tea for damp heat: Smilax and chrysanthemum tea
Effects: Clears heat and dispels dampness. Relieves damp heat symptoms such as skin redness, itchiness, frequent eye discharge, heaviness in limbs.
Ingredients: 12g smilax, 9g chrysanthemum
Preparation: Cut smilax into pieces. Place all ingredients into thermos and rinse with hot water once. Add in hot water and steep for 10 minutes. This tea can be re-browed until flavour weakens.
For best results, drink consecutively for 2-3 days. Two weeks for a treatment.
Note: Not suitable for pregnant women.
✔CheckCheckCin Rice Water Recommendation: Dawn Rice Water
Ingredients: Red Rice, Coix Seed, White Rice
Effects: Suitable for the whole family to enhance physical wellbeing, especially those with a weak digestive system or with a phlegm and dampness body type.
Note: Not suitable for pregnant women.
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