July 13, 2019




1. 入住酒店房前會敲門

2. 去旅行去到盡

3. 為打卡一早起身化妝襯衫

4. 帶舊衣物去著完就丟

5. 平均一日吃六餐或以上

6. 每天回酒店前都要逛便利店/超市

7. 儲起所有旅行收集回來的東西

8. 旅行回來後多請一天假休息

8 to-dos while traveling

Hong Kong is small and densely populated, so if time and finances allow, they tend to travel to relax. Although everyone has different goals, trips and wish lists, they may have similar travel habits! Which of below do you do when you are traveling?

1. Knock on the hotel room door before entering 
When you first opened the door of hotel room, you would rather follow the unspoken rule ans politely knock on the door to show your respect, you would even say “sorry for disturbing” before entering to be safe.

2. Challenge your limits
Many Hong Kong people challenge their limits during a trip. It used to be common to advertise “depart early and return late” in tour group leafleta, and now it is more popular to have red eye flight to get the most out of your trip! Most of you may even take your luggage to work and go to the airport after work, then go straight to work after taking red eye flight. The tour schedule is tight and you are shopping till the last minute. It is really more exhausting than going to work!

3. Get up early to put on makeup and get dressed for taking photos
Taking photos is part of all trips. For some it may even be the sole purpose. Therefore, you would rather sacrifice rest time to get up early in the morning to put on makeup and get dressed. You would also do research for popular spots and try your best to take instagram-worthy photos.

4. Bring old clothes
Many people will try their best to reduce the weight of the luggage, to reserve more space for souvenirs, so bringing the old clothes is one of the methods, especially for underwear and pyjamas, which does not affect your appearance and it is a chance to clear your old clothes.

5. Eat six meals a day or more
Even if you do not have the habit of eating afternoon tea or midnight snack on weekdays, your eating habits will change dramatically during a trip. You will follow the principle “have less food at each meal and more meals every day”. You will only order a signature dish and share it with friends. You want to try all the popular restaurant on your wish list.

6. Go to the convenient store/supermarket before returning to the hotel every day
For many people, visiting the convenient store and supermarket is like treasure-hunting. Besides buying a midnight snack, it is also a good place to buy souvenirs. Do you think that convenience stores or supermarkets in other places are good for shopping?

7. Save all the things collected during the trip
From the boarding pass, tickets, to booklets on the trip, you will keep them as keepsake. You can reminisce the memory of the trip if you keep those things well.

8. Take a day off after the trip
As you challenge your limits during the trip, you find that you cannot work well immediately after returning. You would rather take a day off to calm you mood and unpack. Doing this might indicate that you are no longer young though. 

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