April 13, 2017







Beans, more beans (Part 1)
❃Red kidney beans- replenishes blood and stomach, suitable for all body types.
❃Black-eyed pea- strengthens spleen and stomach. Relieves indigestion and stomach bloating due to asthenic spleen and stomach. Suitable for all body types, but not for those prone to constipation.
❃Rice bean- induces diuresis to reduce swelling, clears heat and removes toxins. Relieves edema, lower body swelling, itchy skin. Suitable for those with damp heat body type. Not suitable for those with yin deficient, blood asthenia body types.
❃Hyacinth bean- strengthens spleen and eliminates dampness, suitable for those with qi deficient and phlegm and dampness body types, especially those who are prone to diarrhea after due to having dampness from a asthenic spleen. ⚠️Not suitable for those prone to constipation.

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