June 1, 2017



1. 材料洗淨,淮山、南瓜、蘋果去皮切大件備用。
2. 鍋中加入2000毫升水,以武火煮滾,加入新鮮材料、紅豆、黃豆、桂圓、去核紅棗及無花果,轉文火煲約45分鐘即成,飲用前可加適量鹽調味。

Friday Soup Series- Pumpkin Apple Soup with wild yam, red beans and soy beans
It’s time for our Friday soup series again! For ladies, nourishing blood is always an important part of healthy living, and this soup is a perfect choice! Ingredients for this soup include red dates, dried longan and red beans, all helps to replenish qi and nourish blood, and relieves symptoms of over-thinking, aversion to cold, pale complexion and lips.
Ingredients: pumpkin 300g (approx. half a catty), 2 apples, 1 fresh wild yam, red beans 30g, soy beans 40g, 10 dried longan, 4-5 seedless red dates, 2 figs
1. Rinse all ingredients thoroughly, peel wild yam, pumpkin and apples and cut into large pieces.
2. Add 2000ml of water into pot and cook on high heat until boiling. Add in all fresh ingredients, red beans, soy beans, dried longan, seedless red dates and fig, then turn to low heat and simmer for 45 minutes. Add salt to taste.
Effects: replenishes qi and nourishes blood. Relieves symptoms of over-thinking, aversion to cold, pale complexion and lips.
Note: Not recommended for those with a flu or have heat symptoms.

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