September 19, 2018
蓮花 — 性平,具散瘀止血,祛濕消風的功效。一般用來泡茶。
蓮子 — 性平,能養心安神、健脾止瀉及補腎固精。
蓮藕 — 性寒,有清熱解渴、止血化痰、養胃滋陰的功效。
蓮梗 — 又名荷梗,性平,有解暑清熱、理氣化濕、通氣寬胸、和胃安胎作用。
荷葉 — 又名蓮葉,性平,具解暑熱、清頭目、止血及降脂減肥功效,多數曬乾使用。
Make full use of lotus
Lotus root is a popular seasonal food during fall. Lotus root is basically the root stock of the lotus plant. When the lotus flower withers, the receptacle becomes the seedpod that carries lotus seeds. Another edible portion is the lotus stem and the lotus leaves that helps to lower fat for weight loss. Every part of this plant has different effects and taste.
Lotus flower- mild in nature, can disperse bruise and stop bleeding, dispel dampness and wind. Usually used to make tea.
Lotus seeds- mild in nature, can calm the mind and heart, strengthen the spleen and relieve diarrhea, replenish the kidneys.
Lotus root- cold in nature, can clear heat and relieve thirst, stop bleeding and relieve phlegm, nourish the stomach and yin.
Lotus stem- mild in nature, can relieve summer heat, regulate qi and dispel dampness, improve qi circulation, calm the stomach and stabilize pregnancy.
Lotus leaves- mild in nature, can relieve summer heat, stop bleeding, lower lipids and aid in weight loss. Usually used in dried form.