September 25, 2018







1. 材料洗淨備用。
2. 鍋中加入約1000毫升水,放入全部材料,以武火煮至水滾,調文火煮約1小時至紅豆軟綿,加適量紅糖調味即成。

Are common menstrual regulating ingredients suitable for anyone?

A lot of ladies have heard of brown sugar ginger tea or si wu tang type of products claiming to regulate menstruation. A lot of ladies consume these daily but are they suuitable for everyone?

Brown sugar can strengthen the spleen and warm the stomach, dispel cold and promote blood circulation. Raw ginger can warm the stomach and relieve vomitting, promote perspiration and dispel cold. Suitable for this with asthenic qi and blood and those with yang deficient body types. The ingredients are hot in nature so those with heat related symptoms such as canker sores, sore throat, or constipation should avoid.

Si wu tang is a classic medicinal recipe with four herbs that can replenish blood, promote blood circulation, and improve blood asthenia related anemia, heart palpitations, dizziness, numbness in limbs, pale complexion and menstrual pain. The formula is suitable for anyone with blood asthenia body type both male and female. Those with heat related symptoms such as canker sores, sore throat, or constipation should avoid.

Asthenic cold body types, qi stagnation, asthenic qi and blood can all cause menstrual discomfort. Si wu tang is a medicinal formula and a practitioner should be consulted before consuming.

Dessert to replenish qi and blood- red bean soup with Chinese red dates and Logan meat

Effects: nourish qi and replenish blood, strengthen the spleen and stomach, improve complexion
Ingredients: 100g red bean, 3-4 pitted Chinese red dates, 10g longan meat, small amounts of sugar

#男 #女 #氣虛 #血虛 #我畏冷 #經期

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