June 21, 2017






Cumin vs Fennel
When you always eat heavy flavoured foods, your body odor will also become stronger. In some countries, people prefer strong flavored dishes with spices such as curry, kimchee, and spicy hot pot, and those people naturally give off a strong aroma. One of these strong spices is cumin, some people love it and others cannot stand it.
Cumin actually can dispel cold, and therefore northerners like to add it for seasoning for its taste and to keep warm. In addition, ever notice another spiace that looks similar to cumin but have a completely different taste? That would be fennel.
Fennel- warm in nature, regulates qi and stomach, dispels cold to relieve pain. Relieves cold-related diarrhea, frequent menstrual pain and vomiting. Not suitable for those with heat-related symptoms, with yin deficiency and excessive internal heat, and those with damp heat constitution.
Cumin- warm in nature, warms the spleen and stomach, dispels cold and dampness. It is especially suitable for those with cold stomachs and indigestion. Not suitable for those prone to constipation, with heat-related symptoms, with yin deficiency and excessive internal heat, and those with damp heat constitution.

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