April 4, 2019





椰菜花 — 性平,生津止渴、消食健胃的功效,適合消化不良、口乾咽燥、大便燥結人士食用。

材料:椰菜花1個(切成茸)、隔夜飯1碗、洋蔥半個(切粒)、薑茸1湯匙、 蔥頭茸2湯匙、蒜茸半湯匙、魚露2-3湯匙
1. 隔夜飯除外,先將材料洗淨,椰菜花切成茸,洋蔥去衣切細粒。
2. 鍋先以中火加熱,再落油,放入洋蔥炒香備用。鍋內加油,落薑茸、蔥頭茸、蒜茸炒香,加入飯,炒至飯粒鬆散,最後下椰菜花茸,多炒3-4分鐘左右至軟身,加入魚露調味即可。

Replace rice with cauliflower for your diet?
Cauliflower rice has been quite popular lately, some people say it is good for weight loss as you eat less carbohydrates, making it healthier. You make it by cutting up cauliflower to size of rice and you either stir fry or steam it to be a rice-like dish. From Chinese medicine perspective, cauliflower is mild in nature, and can aid digestion and strengthen the stomach.
If you want to try cauliflower rice, try to use 2/3 portion of cauliflower bits and 1/3 white rice so you still have a balanced meal with rice.
Cauliflower- mild in nature, promotes fluid production and relieves thirst, aid digestion and strengthens the stomach. Suitable for indigestion, dry mouth and throat, dry stool.
Cauliflower ‘Fried Rice’
Ingredients: 1 cauliflower (cut up into bits), 1 bowl of overnight rice, half an onion (diced), 1 tablespoon minced ginger, 2 tablespoon minced spring onion, ½ tablespoon minced garlic, 2-3 tablespoon of fish sauce.
1. Aside from the overnight rice, rince all ingredients, dice up cauliflower, peel onion and dice up.
2. Heat up wok over medium heat, add in oil and stir fry onion until fragrant. Add oil to wok, add in ginger, spring onion, garlic, then rice and stir fry until rice is separated into pieces, and add cauliflower last. Stir fry for 3-4 minutes until soft, add in fish sauce for seasoning.
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