November 21, 2019



「小雪」,為冬季第二個節氣,由於相對寒冷的地區開始下起小雪,因此而命名。南方地區雖未轉冷,但涼意相對顯著,氣候更趨乾燥,所以在養生而言, 除了多吃黑色食材養腎,如黑豆、黑芝麻等以保陽氣,增強禦寒能力,同時亦應要滋陰潤燥。乾燥的天氣會令身體水分減少,令人容易出現皮膚乾或便秘等症狀,因此有潤燥及通便功效的食物亦非常適合在這時候食用。


Minor Snow Solar Term
This is the second solar term in winter, and its name represents snow in colder climates. Although the southern region has not turned cold yet, it is still cool and dry. Therefore, in terms of health living, you should have more black colored ingredients to nourish kidneys, such as black soya bean and black sesame to protect the yang qi and enhance the warming effect. You should nourish yin and relieve dryness at the same time. Dry weather will reduce the amount of body fluid, which may easily cause dry skin or constipation. Therefore, ingredients that can relieve dryness and constipation are also very suitable for eating at this time.

Gentle reminders:
– Oats rice water can strengthen spleen and relieve constipation
– Honey and fig can relieve dryness and constipation
– Appropriately consume black colored ingredients to nourish kidneys


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