September 26, 2018
鴨肉 – 屬性偏涼,具滋陰補虛、養胃利水的功效,適合陰虛體弱及陰虛火旺體質,適合身體有偏熱症狀的人食用,例如有暗瘡、口瘡、大便偏乾。而由於鴨肉屬性偏涼,所以脾胃虛寒、容易胃痛、腹瀉、感染風寒感冒的人皆不宜進食,以免症狀雪上加霜。
鴨蛋 – 性涼味甘鹹,具滋陰清肺功效,尤其適合肺熱病人、咽喉痛者食用;由於屬性寒涼,所以陽虛、脾胃虛寒容易胃痛及腹瀉者不宜食用。鴨蛋屬於發物,有皮膚問題、暗瘡等人士不宜服用。而用用鴨蛋醃製而成的鹹蛋,鹽份含量高,高血壓、糖尿病患者不宜多吃。
Duck meat is replenishing and nourishes yin
It is not known where the misconception of duck meat being toxic came from, but a lot of elderlies often warn against eating duck meat for various reasons. In reality, duck meat can nourish yin, replenish deficiency, and can even relieve edema. Consuming appropriately based on body type can allow for healthy effects from duck meat.
Duck meat- Cool in nature, can nourish yin and replenish deficiency, nourish the stomach and promote diuresis. It is suitable for those with asthenic bodies or those with yin deficient body types. It is also suitable for those with heat related symptoms such as pimples, canker sores, dry stool. As duck meat is cool, those with asthenic spleen and stomach, prone to stomach ache, diarrhea, with cold wind flu should not consume to avoid worsening the condition.
Duck egg- cool in nature with a savoury flavour, can nourish yin and clear lungs. Suitable for those with heat in lungs, and sore throat. As it is cool in nature, those with yang deficiency, and asthenic spleen and stomach, prone to stomach ache and diarrhea should avoid. Duck egg is a stimulating food, those with skin issues and pimples should not consume. Salty egg is made of duck egg, and it is high in sodium, those with high blood pressure or diabetes should avoid.