December 7, 2019
紅、橙、黃、綠、青、藍、紫,分辨顏色可能你早在你一兩歲的時候已經學會,但如果要你讀出一個字的顏色——一個印成紅色的「藍」 字,你可能會衝口而出讀成「藍」,那是因為這一刻你的左腦佔上風,我們的左腦處理文字,右腦負責分辨顏色。來試試一分鐘內朗讀下圖文字的顏色,緊記是讀出字體的顏色,不是讀字音啊!想增加趣味性,不妨找朋友一起對戰,看看誰最快正確讀出所有顏色。
Relax for a minute- Do you know your colors?
Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple. You may have learned to distinguish colours when you were young. But you look at the word red printed in blue, you may be mistaken call it blue. That is because your left brain has the upper hand at that moment. Our left brain processes text, and the right brain is responsible for distinguishing colors. Let’s try to read the colour of the words in one minute. Remember to read the colour of the words, not the text! To make it interesting, find a friend to play together and see who can read all the colors correctly in the shortest amount of time.