April 18, 2020






1. 白蘿蔔洗淨,去皮切條或薄片備用。
2. 鑊中加入少量油,下櫻花蝦爆香,可留起少量爆香了櫻花蝦作裝飾。
3. 再加入白蘿蔔輕炒,注入熱水至完全蓋過白蘿蔔。
4. 加入米水粉,加入少量鹽調味,燜煮白蘿蔔至軟身呈半透明狀。
5. 最後灑上少許白胡椒粉調味,上碟時在表面加上之前爆香的櫻花蝦即成。

Healthy living during Grain Rain Solar Term:
“Dispel dampness, strengthen the spleen stomach.”

Rice Water: Strengthens the spleen, dispels dampness, regulates qi and improves skin quality.
White radish: Strengthens the stomach, aids digestion, relieves stress and regulates qi.

Sergestid shrimps braised white radish in rice water 

Ingredients: 1 white radish, 1 sachet of Dawn Rice Water, 40g sergestid shrimps, salt and ground white pepper to taste

1. Rinse the white radish, peel and cut into stripes or slices.
2. Heat some oil in the pan, stir fry the sergestid shrimps until they turn golden and aromatic, you may choose to remove some aside for garnishing.
3. Put the white radish into the pan and stir fry, add enough boiling water to cover the white radish.
4. Pour in 1 sachet of Dawn Rice Water, add some salt to taste, stew the white radish until soft and transparent.
5. Serve the cooked white radish, add some white pepper to taste, garnish with golden sergestid shrimps to serve.

#24節氣 #我疲憊 #痰濕 #米水

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