July 11, 2019
薄荷 ── 性涼,有宣散風熱和透疹的作用,適合風熱感冒、喉嚨不適、口瘡、熱咳黃痰、牙痛時食用。注意陰虛體質人士不宜多服。
菊花、洋甘菊 ── 性寒,具有安神及袪風解表的作用,對於因風熱而起的感冒及風濕疼痛也有紓緩功效。
香茅 ── 性溫,有疏風解表、祛瘀通絡的功效,適合風寒感冒咳嗽、胃痛、泄瀉、風濕痺痛時食用。
迷迭香 ── 性溫,具有健胃發汗功效,適合風寒感冒咳嗽、胃脹胃痛、消化不良時食用。注意陰虛火旺者不可多吃。
牛蒡 ── 性寒,具清熱解毒、祛風止癢功效,適合燥熱體質,紓緩牙肉痛、喉嚨痛等燥熱問題。
百里香 ── 性溫,具有祛風散寒、溫中止痛功效,適合風寒感冒咳嗽、頭痛、肌肉酸痛時食用。
Floral and Herbal tea for colds and flus
Feeling like you might be getting sick is troublesome with sore throat, sneezing, and runny nose. With these early signs of a cold, you can try having warm lemon water to improve your immunity and even try healing effects from herbal and floral teas! You can find these teas in many super markets or some cafes are also beginning to have them. With hot wind flu, you should have chrysanthemum, mint, and burdock tea. Wind cold flu, you should have lemongrass, rosemary or dry ginger. Those teas can be brewed with hot water and fresh or dry herbs to relieve symptoms of discomfort. If the condition persists or worsens, you should seek professional medical treatment.
Hot wind flu symptoms: fever, headache, sore throat, cough, yellow phlegm, dry mouth, thick and yellow mucus.
Cold wind flu symptoms: aversion to cold, headache, neck muscle soreness, itchy throat, coughing, white phlegm, stuffed nose, clear mucus.
Mint – cool in nature, has the effect of dispelling wind heat and relieve rash, suitable for wind heat flu, throat discomfort, mouth sores, hot cough, yellow phlegm and toothache. Those with yin deficiency should drink less.
Chrysanthemum, chamomile – cold in nature, has the effect of calming the mind and dispel wind and relieve pain , can also relieve flu symptoms due to hot wind and pain.
Lemongrass – warm in nature, has the effect of dispel wind and relieve pain, can also relieve stasis and dredge the meridians. It is suitable for cold wind flu, cough, stomach pain ,diarrhea and pain.
Rosemary – warm in nature, can strengthen the stomach and promote sweating, suitable for cold wind flu, cough, stomach bloating, stomach pain, and indigestion. Those with yin deficiency should drink less.
Burdock – cold in nature, can clear heat, detoxification, dispel wind and relieve itching. It is suitable for dry heat body condition to relieve toothache, sore throat and other dry heat problems.
Thyme – warm in nature, can dispel wind and cold, warming and relieve pain. It is suitable for wind cold flu, cough, headache, muscle soreness.
#男 #女 #我畏冷 #我煩躁 #頭痛 #發燒 #感冒 #喉嚨痛 #咳嗽