February 5, 2021

【語言偽術】你是否別人眼中的Nice guy?



1. 「轉個彎到」(刷緊牙仲未落街)
2. 「做緊,轉頭俾你」(其實只完成40%)
3. 經常講門面說話,例如「搵日食飯呀」
4. 「阻唔阻你呀?」「唔阻~」(實際上恨不得快啲走)
5. 「嘩~我鍾意呀!」(實際上好嫌棄)
6. 「唔該晒你呀!」(其實覺得唔幫好過幫)
8. 表面讚美人,背後數臭人

✔️CheckCheckCin 美茶推介:熱氣


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Are you always being nice?
Stop forcing yourself to be nice to everyone

We tend to act nice in front of others because Mr. and Ms. Nice are always more popular and we like that. Very often, we just like to say things to please others even when we do not mean it at all!

The more we ‘pretend’ to be nice, the greater the chance for others to label us as ‘two-faced’, when they get to know our actual thoughts. During the Lunar New Year spring-cleaning, why don’t we get rid of this personality? Let us be more mindful of our behavior and not do the following:

1. “Be there soon!” (Nope, you are still brushing your teeth in your bathroom)
2. “I’m working on it, you will have it soon.” (You are only 40% done)
3. Making plans without doing it such as “Let’s have lunch one day”
4. “Am I bothering you?” “Not at all” (But you are dying to leave)
5. “I love it!” (But you really do not)
6. “Thank you so much!” (But it is not helpful to you)
7. “I am really learning a lot!” (In reality, you do not find it useful)
8. You are complimenting someone but talking poorly about them behind their back.

✔ CheckCheckCin Recommendation: Very hot (qi)
Ingredients: plumeria, chrysanthemum bud, spreading hedyotis
Effects: Clears heat and detoxifies. Relieves bad breath, frequent eye discharge, red and dry eyes, frequent loss of temper, scanty or yellowish urine.

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