April 25, 2019
奇亞籽 vs 羅勒籽
辦公室同事最近枱頭都有一樽樽飲品,裡面有些黑色小點在浮浮沉沉狀似蝌蚪,原來愛美的OL同事在水裡加入了奇亞籽(Chia seeds),不少女士都視它為減肥神物,因為它泡水後會膨脹,吃下去有飽足感又有潤腸通便之效。外貌相近的羅勒籽(Basil seeds)也有相似效果,多數出現在台灣及泰式飲品中。雖然兩種種籽的好處多多,但要注意都是高纖食物,份量不宜過多,因為纖維過多也會引致便秘甚至腸阻塞。
奇亞籽(Chia seeds) — 是鼠尾草的種籽,形狀似芝麻,起源於中南美洲。奇亞籽含有豐富的水溶性膳食纖維及Omega3,泡水後會膨脹及產生黏膠狀物質,也有植物性蛋白質,有助延緩血糖上升速度、提供飽足感及潤腸暢便。進食奇亞籽後可能導致腹脹情況,脾胃虛弱人士不宜多吃;奇亞籽有降血壓作用,所以低血壓人士不宜食用。
羅勒籽(Basil seeds) — 又名蘭香子、明列子、山粉圓(即台灣叫的青蛙下蛋),是香草羅勒的果實,扁平褐黑色,加入水中煮會膨脹及產生黏膠狀物質,也就是水溶性纖維,亦含有蛋白質、鈣質及維他命。進食羅勒籽後可能導致腹脹情況,脾胃虛弱人士不宜多吃。
Chia seeds vs Basil seeds
You may have seen some colleagues have drinks with floating particles in it recently, especially ladies. They are actually chia seeds loved by ladies for weight loss purpose. Chia seeds expand when placed in water and creates a feeling of fullness when consumed and can also aid bowel movement. Basil seeds are similar to chia seeds in appearance with similar effects. You may find basil seeds in Taiwanese and Thai drinks. Although the benefits of these two seeds are numerous, it is important to note these are high-fiber foods, and too much fiber can lead to constipation and even intestinal obstruction. It is better to not eat too much.
Chia seeds- seeds of Salvia Hispanica, shaped like sesame, originated from Central and South America. Chia seeds are rich in soluble dietary fiber and Omega3. After soaking in water, they will expand and become a sticky substance. Chia seeds are a plant-based protein, which help to slow down blood sugar rate of increase, provide a feeling of fullness and loosens the bowels. Eating chia seeds may cause abdominal bloating so those with asthenic stomach and spleen should not have too much. Chia seeds can help to lower blood pressure so those with hypotension can not eat chia seeds.
Basil seeds- known as Jelly Tapioca Pearl in Taiwan, is the fruit of vanilla basil. They are flat shaped and brownish black in color. They will expand and become a sticky substance after boiling in water. It contains soluble fiber and protein, calcium and vitamins. Eating basil seeds may cause abdominal bloating so those with asthenic stomach and spleen should not have too much.