June 21, 2019



時值夏季走在街上,猛烈陽光令你不消一刻便汗如雨下。都市人背負著工作和生活壓力,有時令人煩鬱不解。內外夾攻「㷫恰恰」,身體不適有沒有令你感覺爆發? 除了注意多補充水分,適量進食清熱除煩的食材,調養精神情志都有幫助。以下介紹的素湯有助清熱化濕,適合濕熱體質或經常進行戶外活動人士、或出現口乾、出暗瘡、口臭等偏熱症狀時服用。此湯亦有寧神作用,有效紓緩失眠症狀,換來一覺安眠。


1. 所有材料洗淨,絲瓜、蘋果去皮切塊備用。粟米去衣留鬚切大塊,竹笙浸軟。
2. 鍋內加入約2500毫升水,全部材料加入鍋裡,以武火煮至水滾,調文火煮約1.5小時,最後下鹽調味即可。

Summer vegetarian soup to clear heat and strengthen spleen
When you are walking on the street in the summer, the hot sun can make you sweat like crazy. Urbanites have pressure points in both work and personal life. When the hot weather and internal pressure come at you together, do you feel especially irritable? Besides drinking more water, remember to appropriately consume ingredients that can clear heat and relieve irritability. Be sure to also manage your emotions in a healthy way. The following vegetarian soup can clear heat and dispel dampness . It is suitable for those with damp-heat body condition or who are outdoors a lot. Those with heat-related symptoms such as dry mouth, pimple or bad breath can also drink this soup. This soup can calm the mind and relieve insomnia to give you a good night’s rest.

Tips for soup to clear heat:
Appropriately add in ingredients such as luffa, bitter gourd, winter melon, watermelon skin, celery, wolfberry leaves, mung beans, coix seeds.

Luffa vegetarian soup
Effects: strengthens the spleen, clears heat and burns fat. Suitable for the whole family in summer.
Ingredients: 1 luffa, 2 ears of corn, 1 apple, 40g bamboo fungus (about 2 tael), 80g fresh lotus seed (about 2 taels), 20g purple haricot, 2 candied dates
1. Rinse all ingredients thoroughly. Peel luffa and apple and cut into pieces. Remove husks from corn (keep silk) and cut into pieces. Soak bamboo fungus until soft.
2. Combine all ingredients with 2500ml of water in a pot and cook on high heat until boiling. Turn to low heat and simmer for 1.5 hour. Add salt to taste.

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