April 18, 2017







Beans, more beans (Part 2)
✼Red bean- replenishes blood and stomach. Relieves symptoms of lack of concentration, asthenic qi and blood. Suitable for all body types. Not suitable for those recovering from cold or flu.
✼Green bean- clears heat and removes toxins, relieves heat and expels dampness. Relieves symptoms of heat stroke, edema, and itchy skin. Suitable for those with damp heat body type. Not suitable for those with cold stomach.
✼Soy bean- strengthens spleen and promotes diuresis. Relieves edema from asthenic spleen and lack of appetite. Suitable for all body types. Note that eating too much may cause stomach bloating, those with gout should avoid.
✼Black bean- replenishes kidney and promotes diuresis. Relieves symptoms like lower back pain, edema, and frequent cramping due to asthenic kidney. Suitable for all body types. Not suitable for those with asthenic spleen and stomach.

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