August 13, 2018




11pm-1am(子時)- 膽經當值:膽汁進行新陳代謝,骨髓造血時間。宜睡覺。

1-3am(丑時)- 肝經當值:全身氣血會歸於肝,由肝來濾化血液。宜睡覺。

3-5am(寅時)- 肺經當值:肺氣將氣血輸送全身,深層睡眠有助肺氣輸送。宜睡覺。

5-7am(卯時) - 大腸經當值:氣血流往大腸,排泄廢物。宜上廁所排便。

7-9am(辰時)- 胃經當值:此時進食最易被消化及進行代謝,提供一天所需熱量。宜吃早餐。

9-11am(已時) - 脾經當值:氣血最旺盛的時段,脾負責消化、吸收及排泄的調和,中醫有「脾主肌肉」之說。宜做些伸展活動。

11am-1pm(午時) - 心經當值:心主血脈和神志。宜小憩一會。

1-3pm(未時) - 小腸經當值:小腸最精力旺盛的時間吸收營養。宜吃午餐。

3-5pm(申時) - 膀胱經當值:氣血流注膀胱,清除體內廢水。宜多喝水。

5-7pm(酉時)- 腎經當值:腎臟排抴毒物的時間,亦是嗅覺和味覺最敏感時間。宜吃晚餐。

7-9pm(戌時) - 心包經當值,心包經氣血充沛,可保護心臟、保存精力。宜休養生息。

9-11pm(亥時)- 三焦經當值,三焦經掌管諸氣,人體諸氣皆通過三焦輸送到各臟腑。宜休養、打坐冥想。

Live a healthy lifestyle by the time
Chinese medicine believes that a 24 hour day can be divided into 12 intervals, and these time intervals correspond with 12 meridians. By looking at which meridian is active at a given time, you can develop habits to benefit each corresponding to improve organ functions, remove toxins, and strengthen overall body.

11pm-1am- gallbladder meridian on duty: your bile is metabolizing, bone marrow is creating blood. It is best to sleep.

1-3am- liver meridian on duty: qi and blood will return to the liver, and the liver will filter blood. It is best to sleep.

3-5am- lung meridian on duty: lung qi will transport qi and blood throughout the body, deep sleep can help the transport. It is best to sleep.

5-7am- large intestine meridian on duty: qi and blood will flow to large intestine and get rid of body waste. It suitable to have bowel movement.

7-9am: stomach meridian on duty: eating at this time will be most easily digested and metabolized to provide energy for the day. It is best to have breakfast.

9-11am: spleen meridian on duty: qi and blood are the most active, spleen will balance between digestion, absorption and wastage removal. It is beneficial to stretch.

11am-1pm: heart meridian on duty: the heart is responsible for veins and the mind. It is suitable to take a break.

1pm-3pm: small intestine meridian on duty: the small intestine is most active to absorb nutrients. It is suitable to have lunch.

3pm-5pm: urinary bladder meridian on duty: qi and blood will flow towards urinary bladder, to remove water waste from the body. It is suitable to drink more water.

5pm-7pm: kidney meridian on duty: time for kidneys to remove toxins, your sense of smell and tasteare most sensitive during this time. It is suitable to have dinner.

7pm-9pm: pericardium meridian on duty: once the pericardium is replenished by qi and blood, it can protect the heart and preserve energy. It is suitable to rest.
9pm-11pm: trip burner meridi
an on duty: triple burner manages all air flow and transports throughout the body. It is suitable to rest and meditate.

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