May 28, 2020
秋葵 — 性寒,具有清熱降火、潤腸通便作用,其豐富的黏液質可潤燥、護胃。但由於性寒,脾胃虛寒者、容易腹瀉、孕婦不宜多吃。
潺菜 — 又名落葵及木耳菜,性寒,有清熱、滑腸通便的功效,適合大便秘結、痔瘡便血、濕熱痢疾者食用。脾胃虛寒者、月經期間不宜多吃。
蘆薈 — 性寒,清熱通便的作用,適合熱結便秘者食用。脾胃虛寒者、容易腹瀉不宜多吃,月經期間、孕婦不宜進食。
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Slimy ingredients can help to relieve constipation
Some vegetables have fluid that feel slimy to eat. Some people like it and some people do not. These mucus are actually very beneficial. Let’s talk about okra first. It can clear heat. The mucus of the fruit pod can adhere to the gastric mucosa, protect the stomach wall, promote the secretion of gastric juice, and improve the symptoms of indigestion. Seasonal malabar spinach in summer is also known as a “bowel cleanser”, it tastes like spinach with mucus added. The “polysaccharide” in it is sticky to loosen the bowels to relieve constipation. Aloe is also a well-known ingredient to relieve constipation. It has the effect of clearing liver and relieving irritability, and is suitable for alleviating constipation caused by heat-related symptoms. These three ingredients are cold in nature, and suitable for those with heat-related body condition where the stool is hard, lumpy, like sheep stool, requiring a lot of energy to push out. Note that these ingredients are not suitable for those with asthenic spleen and stomach, diarrhea and loose stool.
Okra – Cold in nature, and can clear heat and loosen the bowels to relieve constipation. Its rich mucus can relieve dryness and protect the stomach. However, as it is cold in nature, it is not suitable for those with asthenic spleen and stomach, prone to diarrhea and soft stools. Pregnant women should not eat too much.
Malabar spinach – Cold in nature, and can clear heat and loosen the bowels to relieve constipation. Suitable for those with constipation, hemorrhoids, blood in stool, damp-heat type dysenteric disorder. Those with asthenic spleen and stomach and during menstruation should not eat too much.
Aloe – Cold in nature, can clear heat and relieve constipation. Suitable for those with heat stagnation type constipation. Those with asthenic spleen and stomach and prone to diarrhea should not eat too much. Not suitable for pregnant or menstruating women.
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