June 21, 2018
【星期四食材 - 伯爵茶 vs 六安茶 vs 龍井】
伯爵茶 - 紅茶的一種,屬於發酵茶,性溫,具幫助消化、促進食慾、消除水腫的功效。
六安茶 - 是為黑茶,屬於發酵茶,性溫,具暖胃、消滯去膩、袪濕解暑功效,特性與普洱茶相似,兩者均屬陳香型茶類,越陳越香。
龍井 - 屬於綠茶的一種,為不發酵茶,性寒,具生津止渴、提神醒腦功效。
Have indigestion relieving tea based on your body type
Tea can normally relieve indigestion and stomach discomfort, and most people think of pu-er first. It is mild in nature and suitable for most body types. There are also other tea that can relieve indigestion, but you have to choose them based on body constitution, let’s see which tea is suitable for you!
Earl Grey tea- it’s a type of red tea, and it is a type of fermented tea. It is warm in nature, and can aid digestion, improve appetite and relieve edema.
Suitable body type: those prone to cold symptoms
Liu an tea- it is a type of black tea and is also a fermented tea. It is warm in nature, and can warm the stomach, relieve indigestion, dispel dampness and relieve summer heat. It is similar to pu-er and becomes more fragrant with time.
Suitable body type: suitable for all body types, especially those with cold symptoms
Longjing tea- it is a type of green tea and not fermented. It is cold in nature and can promote fluid production and relieve thirst, and awaken the mind.
Suitable body type: those prone to hot symptoms