December 18, 2021
Party game有助炒熱派對氣氛,「匙羹青蛙跳」是其中一個道具簡單而好玩的小遊戲,準備兩隻茶羹及一個玻璃杯,茶羹前後擺放,其中1隻作為發射器,將另外1隻茶羹彈入杯中為之完成。
【Relax for a minute ⋯⋯ Spoon frog】
Party games are great icebreakers. Spoon frog is one of the simpler games that does not require complicated tools. All we need are two teaspoons and a glassware. Place two teaspoons front and back, and use one of them as the shooter. The objective of the game is to shoot the other spoon into the glassware.