January 24, 2019



薑 — 性溫,有解表散寒功效,適合虛寒型月經不適人士使用,症狀為怕冷、面色蒼白、手腳冰冷、來經時小腹不適。

紅棗 — 性溫,有補氣養血安神的功效,適合氣血虛弱型月經不適人士使用,症狀為容易頭暈、心悸、氣短、手腳麻痺等。

益母草 — 性寒,有活血化瘀作用,適合血瘀型月經不適人士使用,症狀為面色及唇色偏暗、月經期間時有血塊。

玫瑰花 — 性溫,有疏肝解鬱、和血化瘀作用,適合壓力型月經不適人士使用,症狀為感覺煩躁、多嘆氣、經期前乳房脹痛等,可在經前一星期起飲用。
材料: 玫瑰花3-5朵、茉莉花4朵

Which menstruation regulating ingredient is suitable for you?

Irregular menstruation is a common problem with irregular timing, pre-menstrual headaches, abdominal bloating and discomfort, appearance of blood clots, etc. Many ladies become their own expert and have brown sugar ginger tea, Chinese red dates water, rose tea, and even motherwort tea to self manage the issues. However, the right way to handle irregular menstruation is to find out your own body type and do not just take any urban remedy as it can either be ineffective or even worsen the situation. Choose the right healing tea based on your symptoms. For serious conditions, be sure to seek professional opinion.

Ginger- warm in nature, helps to dispel cold, suitable for those with asthenic cold type of menstrual discomfort. Accompanying symptoms are aversion to cold, pale complexion, cold limbs, upper abdominal discomfort during menstruation.
Ingredients: 5-6 slices of raw ginger, appropriate amount of brown sugar
Preparation: cook ginger with 800ml of water for 30 minutes until flavour develops. Add in brown sugar to taste.
Note: Not suitable for those with heat related symptoms.

Chinese red dates- warm in nature, can replenish qi, nourish blood and calm the mind, suitable for those with asthenic weak type of menstrual discomfort. Accompanying symptoms are prone to dizziness, heart palpitations, shortness of breath, numbness in limbs.
Ingredients: 3 pitted Chinese red dates, 5 Chinese black dates
Preparation: cut dates into small pieces, add into thermos with hot boiling water and steep for 15 minutes.

Motherwort- cold in nature, promotes blood circulation and relieves stasis, suitable for blood stasis type of menstrual discomfort. Accompanying symptoms are darkened complexion and lip color, blood clots in menstruation.
Ingredients: 15g motherwort, 4-5 slices of Chinese hawthorn, appropriate amounts of sugar
Preparation: place ingredients into thermos and rinse once with hot water. Add in hot water and steep for 10 minutes.

Rose- warm in nature, can relieve stagnation and relieve moodiness, as well as relieve stasis, suitable for pressure related menstrual discomfort. Accompanying symptoms are irritability, frequent sighing, pre-menstrual tender breasts. You can have this tea a week before menstruation.
Ingredients: 3-5 roses, 4 jasmine
Preparation: place ingredients into thermos and rinse once with hot water. Add in hot water and steep for 5 minutes.

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