September 3, 2019
產後請不要馬上減肥,更不應進行屬性寒涼的juice detox,以免寒凝血滯出現各種痛症或影響惡露的排淨、或引寒氣入內而致風寒感冒!先投入照顧新生兒並給時間身體慢慢康復 。建議產後至少六個月後才開始減肥,適量進食健脾補氣袪濕的食材調理,配合運動及飲食健康瘦身。
4/ 暖敷乳房紓緩脹痛
Confinement dos and don’ts
Some of you may strongly believe in the need to nourish your body during confinement month, and even believe in eating chicken daily, not washing hair for 12 days, not touching “raw water” during the confinement month, not carrying heavy things, and not working. The truth is, after having a first, second, third or fourth child, experienced moms know that caring for newborns include breastfeeding, milking, burping, changing diapers, washing shirts, changing shirts. In addition the little ones can be quite energetic. Therefore, “full rest”, “when a new-born sleeps, the mother has to sleep at the same time” and “do not work” are hard to achieve! But it does not mean that you have to give up the confinement month completely. You can also use the following tips to implement the traditional wisdom of confinement month!
1/ Use ginger water to bathe and wash hair
After delivery, mothers should have appropriate replenishing dishes. They have symptoms such as fatigue, sore arms and lack of sleep about 2 weeks after giving birth. If you have a mild headache or bone ache, you can also have a quick ginger bath to dispel cold and keep warm, dispel wind and dampness and relax your muscles, and soak your head into water slightly. You may feel warm from head to toe, and the headache disappears! With modern technology, you can use the heater while bathing, use the thermo ventilator or hair dryer for assistance! If you are afraid that the bath will stimulate the wound, you can use soap, shower gel and shampoo with ginger ingredients. Then pour the concentrated ginger water down from the head and finish your bath warmly. Do not open the bathroom door immediately. First dry your hair, so as not to let the cold and dampness invade in the scalp and catching a cold.
Concentrated ginger water:
Ingredient: 1 ginger
Preparation: Rinse the ginger, cut it into slices with skin. Add ginger slices and about 1000 ml of water in a pot and cook for 30 minutes.
2/ You should not diet
Please do not start dieting immediately after child birth, especially do not do juice detox that is cold in nature as that can lead to pain symptoms caused by cold stagnation and blood stasis, affect the clearance of lochia, or cold wind flu caused by invasion of cold. First take care of the new-born and give the body time to recove. It is recommended that you start to diet at least six months after child birth, and have appropriate amounts of ingredients that can strengthen spleen, replenish qi and dispel dampness to nourish body, and exercise and have a healthy diet to lose weight.
3/ You should not eat too much
The ancient practice of the confinement month advocates that mother should eat a chicken every day to ensure enough nutrition. But nowadays, mothers are regarded as jewels at home, and the nutrition is too much and not an issue. As long as you drink appropriate amounts of rice water, fried rice water and soup, it will help you to increase breast milk supply and recover.
4/ Warming the breast to relieve pain
For breastfeeding mothers, the biggest discomfort is definitely the pain caused by breastfeeding. You can take a bath before breastfeeding. When you are bathing, apply vegetable oil without additives such as sweet almond oil. You can massage along the breast line and to the nipple. If you are not allowed to have a shower, you may warm you breast then breastfeed, let your new-born help to relieve the pain and discomfort of breastfeeding.