August 28, 2019










Excessive dieting can cause amenorrhea
“I am attending an island destination wedding next month. I really don’t want my chubby legs and arms to appear in the photos, so I have been eating salads, boiled vegetables and weight loss drinks in the past few months. I am getting thinner, but now I have menstrual disorders that I did not used to have. I have missed my period for 3 months, what should I do?”

CheckCheckCin: The desire to look attractive is universal. However, weight loss takes time. Many ladies are suffering from menstrual disorders or even amenorrhea because of the rapid weight loss methods. They pay the high price for it. From a Chinese medicine perspective, women who have stopped menstruating for more than three months after the menstrual cycle is established are classified as amenorrhea. When women are excessive dieting and always eating cold/raw salads, they are unable to get enough nutrients and are excessively consuming qi and blood. Qi and blood deficiency leads to menstrual disorders, such as less menstrual flow, lighter colour, etc. If the situation continues, it may develop into amenorrhea. It takes some time to resume normal menstrual cycle. After conditioning your body, use a healthy weight loss method!

Tips to get your period back:
1/Stop the excessive dieting and regain your appetite
You may lose interest in food because of long-term eating of light and tasteless salad. First stop the crash diet, slowly start with warm liquid food and rice water, strengthen the spleen and stomach to supply nutrition to the body. Eat more fresh and healthy warm food. Try to learn more about food nutrition to avoid weight gain.

2/ Take care of your emotions 
Long-term improper weight loss hurts the body, also leads bad mood and irritability because of the failure to meet your own high expectations. It is recommended to cultivate your hobbies to condition your spirit and emotion. 

3/ Do low intensity exercise
A large number of high-intensity exercises in a short period of time should be stopped. Try to develop doing low-intensity body-building exercises, such as jogging, yoga, stretching before going to bed.

4/ Seek advice from Chinese medicine practitioners
You may do above methods well but the situation does not improve. It is recommended to seek medical advices from Chinese medicine practitioners to condition the body according your body type.

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