August 23, 2019




1. 雪耳預先浸泡半天至軟身,把黑色底部剪掉切碎備用。
2. 所有材料洗淨,紅棗切半去核備用。
3. 鍋內放1000亳升水,放入全部材料,武火煮至水滾,轉文火煮半小時,加入冰糖煮溶即成。

1. 紅棗浸軟去核備用。
2. 將紅棗、薑、馬蹄粉、紅糖及將450ml水放入攪拌機攪拌,最後加入粘米粉拌勻,粉漿隔渣。
3. 蒸盤掃上薄薄的植物油,或以牛油紙墊底,倒入粉漿,水滾後大火蒸30分鐘即成。

1. 所有材料洗淨,紅棗切半去核備用。
2. 鍋內加入1000亳升水,加入紅棗武火煮滾轉文火煮10分鐘,再加入冰糖煮溶,取出紅棗,加入桂花煮5分鐘。
3. 水中加入蒟蒻粉拌勻,放涼後注入糕模放冰箱冷藏凝固即成。

3 steps to make Chinese red dates desserts
Many ladies love desserts and drinks with Chinese red dates! As we all know that Chinese red dates can replenish blood. It can regulate the menstrual function and improve your complexion. Chinese red date is good and sweet, but it is hot in nature. You may have heat-related symptoms when you eat too much. If you have heat-related body type and prone to have heat in body, you should not have it. You need to know how to nourish your body according to your body type. Chinese red dates does not have to be used in teas or soups only, but you can make some desserts with 3 simple steps. Try it out this weekend! 

Chinese red dates dessert soup with snow fungus
Ingredients: 6-7 Chinese red dates, 80g fresh lotus seeds, 15g lily bulb, 1 snow fungus, appropriate amounts of rock sugar (can adjust the sweetness according to you own preference)
1. Soak the snow fungus for half a day until it becomes soft. Cut off the black bottom part. 
2. Rinse all ingredients thoroughly. Core and cut Chinese red dates into half pieces.
3. Combine all ingredients with 1000ml of water in a pot and cook on high heat until boiling. Turn to low heat and simmer for half an hour. Add rock sugar until it melts.
Effects: Nourishes yin, replenishes blood and improves skin quality.

Chinese red dates cake with ginger juice 
Ingredients: 150g Chinese red dates, 150g water chestnut flour, 30g rice flour, 50g ginger, 50g brown sugar (can adjust the sweetness according to you own preference)
1. Core and soak Chinese red dates until soft.
2. Blend together Chinese red dates, ginger, water chestnut flour, brown sugar and around 450ml drink water. Add rice flour last and mix well and sieve the mixture to separate out liquid mixture.
3. Spread a thin layer of vegetable oil on the steaming pan, or place the butter paper at bottom and pour liquid mixture. Steam on high heat until boiling for 30 minutes.
Effect: Dispels cold and warm the stomach, replenishes blood and improve complexions

Osmanthus cake with Chinese red dates 
Ingredients: 100g Chinese red dates, 150g rock sugar (can adjust the sweetness according to you own preference), 75g konjac flour, 50g Osmanthus
1. Rinse all ingredients thoroughly. Core and cut Chinese red dates into half pieces.
2. Combine all ingredients with 1000ml of water in a pot and cook on high heat until boiling. Turn to low heat and simmer for 10 minutes. Add rock sugar until it melts. Take Chinese red dates out and add Osmanthus to cook for 5 minutes.
3. Add konjac flour into mixture and mix well. Let it cool down and pour into cake mold then chill in refrigerator to solidify. 
Effects: Nourishes yin and replenishes blood

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